Start planning
Twenty questions to help you succeed.

Publishing success starts with a clear vision. I use your answers to these questions to accurately estimate how I can help you bring your project to publication. Your plans may change, but putting some thought into these topics is a measure of your commitment to the product and the process that makes it come alive.
Please note that while I have used "book" throughout, the questions apply equally to all publishing projects: printed books, web sites, brochures, e-books and other materials.
- Characterize the person who will want your published work, in as much detail as possible. (Note: "Everyone" is not a viable answer.)
- Tell me what your book is about in four paragraphs or less.
- What methods do you plan to use to sell it?
- What must happen to make you feel your publishing project is a success?
- How much will you sell it for?
- Tell me what the finished book looks like in your mind (size, shape, etc.).
- Why did you write it?
- What is your production budget?
- Is there a specific date for which you wish to have published materials?
- What retail price do you have in mind?
- Who will print your book?
- When will the manuscript be complete?
- Have you written a foreword, acknowledgements/dedication, cover copy?
- What program have you used to create the manuscript, on what operating system?
- How many words are in the book? Please include words in text boxes.
- How many photos, drawings, charts or tables are included? In colour? Are they in high resolution TIF or EPS format?
- Do you have permission to use others' images, tables, diagrams or quotes, if included?
- Do you need an ISBN and Cataloguing in Publication Data?
- How comfortable are you with word processing tools like Microsoft Word's Track Changes?
- Do you have a graphic designer to create a cover for your book?